Pink Pony

News from Pink, a remote location, near the world-famous icebergs of the South Pacific. What is it really like living on the earth's surface in the South Pacific where you are kept warm by a nuclear reactor, and hang in space suspended by the forces of gravity and the speed of light? I wonder?

Friday, March 26, 2004

Pink reports from downtown Dunedin, New Zealand.

If you want to find out about what is going on in fashion in Dunedin, New Zealand head on down to the university or as locals call it varsity.

Some call it the inner city hub of the hilly town, where 20,000 students live, drink, shop and hang out.

Pink reports the girls are wearing minis, converses, long socks and the ever endearing hip belt. Trousers are definitely the go too. Guys are doing the trucker hat thing, together with tee-shirts, jeans and sneakers.

If you are into bags, then goodness knows students like their bags. Oh and the cell phone is an essential item. And you must only text, cause down here in the southern part of the globe we pay 20cent per text message. In young people terms, this is cheap!

The students are looking younger and dare I say richer.

Gone are the woolley jerseys, the black jeans and black boots.

It's all about "I want, I want I want to look so so gorgeous, boys and girls".

So next time you are hanging out in good ol NZ put a visit in to the city of students, Dunedin, it's worth a look.

Welcome to the first edition of the Pink Pony Fashion Blog.

If you love fashion, music and are stuck at your desk, unleash the fashion animal within and blog out with Pink Pony news.

Coming at ya with Pink Pony, live from New Zealand.