Pink Pony

News from Pink, a remote location, near the world-famous icebergs of the South Pacific. What is it really like living on the earth's surface in the South Pacific where you are kept warm by a nuclear reactor, and hang in space suspended by the forces of gravity and the speed of light? I wonder?

Sunday, October 31, 2004

Tune In
Dial up is so slow. Listening to the radio is the best thing.
Try it, you will move over to the sweet sounds of listening instead of being invaded by unwanted messages.

Thursday, October 07, 2004

HEAD space

What is this all about? Did you know that every single moment of your life you are generating words, actions, movements and taking in a hell of alot in one single moment.
It's like KAPOW. Yeah bingo. That is it. To stop something like your body crinkling up into a uncomfortable squeamish feeling, just think about it, you can make a choice to do this. Get the feeling, where are you looking while you do this? What is happening in your mind?
Are you talking to yourself? Of COURSE YOU ARE. THIS IS NORMAL! HELLABLOODIE LUYAA IS all I can say. I'm not crazy. Who teaches you this stuff. How do you de-program yourself? I'm not a computer. It's like this. Make it easy. Yeah that's right easy peasy Julie its easy peasy.
What a nerd. Cut out the little baddies go for the kill. KAZAP. BOOM. Got ya. YEEHA what a relief. I feel so much better. Big sigh. Talk about stressful. Whoops. Bad use of words. "Hey Julie". Yes? This is easy! BOOM CRASH, it's Kermit. Yeah! Yeeha. Oooh oooh (did you hear that?) oooh ooooh shall we have a cup of tea? Hey yeah that sounds great. Oh yeah ok, I will make a yummy pot of tea, and we can sit by the fire? How does that sound? Did you see me just then? Oh isn't it fun having a cup of tea, I get to have two sugars and in one of my favourite cups. ALLOOOOO (I'm now pulling a funny face, you know like when you are sneaking up on someone when you were a little kid and then go KAZAP. GOTYOU) JUST KIDDING. GOTTA TURN the kettle on. Bye.

Saturday, October 02, 2004

Andy Ball arrived today!