Pink Pony

News from Pink, a remote location, near the world-famous icebergs of the South Pacific. What is it really like living on the earth's surface in the South Pacific where you are kept warm by a nuclear reactor, and hang in space suspended by the forces of gravity and the speed of light? I wonder?

Monday, May 24, 2004


The latest fashion fever in town is all movies, movies, movies.

"What you see is happening right now".

"It's massive...."'.

I'm at a loss to explain what is causing this weather.

No. I've just been told we are preparing to go live to ......

What you see behind me is a tornado.

A massive tidal wave has just struck the coast line of ......

Everything is now down. The power is out across the country.

Does anyone actually care?

My guess is certainly the powers that be apparently do not.

Movies are certainly one way to get the public attention.

Nice if you have the budget.

Thursday, May 13, 2004


If you a a modernist, then you need one of these.

It is lime green, fits in your wallet and has a crystal clear strip down the middle enough to make anyone sit up and take notice.

Yes it's an eftpos card.

At last you can bank with the hippest of all banks.

New Zealand's very own lime green publicly owned Bank.

Complete with their skally wag logo "The Cat" and lime green everything from cards to paper, the bank's latest skag is not shy in saying what it thinks about foreign owned banks.

And they have a very cool tool. The Fat Cat.

He's big, fat, looks like Alice's cheshire cat and devious.

The Kiwi duo of Fat Cat and Cat (all dude and all charm), the pair make a formidable team to take on the world of fashionable cards for your wallets.

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

It has finally happened. China is in vogue. No matter what you are after, a sleeveless vest, puffa jackets, mod coats or black spandex kilted skirts you can be sure the label says Made in China.

Take a look closely when next shopping for the next fashion fad.

The way long sleeve zip- hooded polar fleeces have been dashing out the door here in New Zealand, you can certainly see the reason why.

At $29.95 New Zealand dollars, the tops are obviously gold to the retailer as the stock keeps rolling in day after day, an unbelievable bargain hard to get hold of.

A fly girl can outfit herself in either dusky pink, chocolate, stone white, sky or neon blue but remember whatever you have your eye on, the only thing missing is the locally manufactured produced label.

It seems like everything in New Zealand you could buy is made in China. Clothing, the lux (the South Island term for vacuum cleaner), a telephone, you name it.

The result is no permanent full time jobs for workers in this country. Just good ol part-time jobs and insecurity for the working class currently being touted in other terms as "low unemployment" .

As for the cheap fleece hoodie, the fact is in a town full of students who need clothing the item is cheap and suits their budget.

Unfortunately it is the government's money people are spending as people draw down student loans and allowances to get an education while the government forks out $40M to seduce international students to come here.

At least there were real jobs in the 70's with loads of local manufacturers, basically free tertiary education, cheap rents and decent access to afford to purchase your own home.

Get a grip. The economy isn't everything.

PS Dunedin is currently enjoying a renaissance to the glorious days of rain pouring onto the old tin roof in the middle of the night, drop..drop..drop.