The Quarterly Pink Pony 2005 Film, Book and Website Guide
The Yes Men
Please go and see it, absolute must-view film.
Finding Nemo
Cute and very very funny.
DVD Humphrey Bogart
The new super-cool dude. Very cool
DVD Carey Grant
Following on Hump's footsteps!
Secret Power, Nicky Hager
The inside story on intelligence.
Lara and the Birds, Philip Pulman
Gorgeous, just gorgeous.
Speed Reading, Tony Buzan
The way to read a million books in a short time.
Fodor's 97 Europe Guide Book
Scanning for places to go on my next European holiday.
The Listener Magazine
Regular weekly read to catch up on everything news-wise.
Professional Guide to News Journalism, Jim Tucker
The standard for all writers, journos, publicists and the like!
Penguin Dictionary
The bible
Roget's Theasauras
Another bible not far from my desk!
Macintosh Bible
BBC website
The joys of having broadband after waiting so god damn long for it is being able to listen to BBC radio and watch live videos!
Managing Stress, Derek Roger
The new bible, everyone should have this book, it is a gem.
I've become a nerd for all books Nigella.
That doesn't mean my cooking has improved!
John Pilger
I'm waiting for the next book!
Saturday, April 23, 2005
We are due for snow down to 200metres tonight so I'm indoors in front of the fire, ibook on hand to wander the net, safe and sound inside.
Word on the net is Skype is taking all calls to everywhere.
You can download it and call anyone else who has downloaded it for free, anywhere.
What next?
Friday, April 22, 2005
Right on bro - The Yes Men are in town
I have just been sitting in a 35-seater theatre watching the latest film by the world's newest unravellers of the system we live in.
The Yes Men is now screening in New Zealand, though in a limited way I must add.
You can only catch it on Thursdays and Fridays in Dunedin so get there while you can.
These boys, one who is formerly of the BLO (Barbie Liberation Organization!), are astute and smart men who are taking the world corporations to the people alongside the likes of Michael Moore.
An entity who in the past, New Zealand has had a key person at the helm, is responsible for the trading of goods and services on our planet.
The hitchhikers inside view of the organization provided by the Yes Men is astounding.
Yet access to information provided by the Yes Men is still not accessable by everyone in our society.
Ordinary people are surviving on peanuts while the corporations rake in the profits and information is kept to the few.
Information is not being passed on in a true and honest way.
As New Zealand heads into an election some time soon, it is therefore even more crucial the question of who in this election is a supporter of real jobs, real wages, proper housing, a free public health system, a public water system, public electricity, public assistance for the elderly, a public Superannuation system, and a free education system consisting of no fees, and no loans is asked.
As the rich get richer, the matter of actually surviving even in a place like New Zealand is difficult as power continues to be privatised, drinking water is not always free, and public access to A & E is being bandied about by some to go.
New Zealand students currently have a debt of approximately 30Bn dollars.
People are flocking overseas, the birth rate is down, families no longer hardly exist, apartment blocks are skyrocketing and prisons are being built the length of the country like it is going out of fashion.
The country is based on exports to lands few ever see.
Bring on the election and keep up the good work Yes Men.