Sacred cows
The revelation by a friend that Bridget Jones was indeed a mere make-over of Jane Austen crushed me. But what came next was a discovery well worth my while. Having never touched a book by Jane Austen in my life, never even knowing who she was indeed led to new authors and books devoured. Now the bookshelves are filled with Austen, the Bronte sisters, Dickens, to War and Peace. All in a similar vein - tales of love, broken hearts and happy endings.
However I was most put out reading the briefing by Treasury to the Finance Minister at the end of 2008 where the real intentions of the government are laid bare.
Recent policy announced by the government can be pinpointed back to this document - skills, and public sector in particular.
Is nothing sacred? I read the tax base will be broadened ie to the corporate tax rate and that we really want to privatise infrastructure but there are other ways to get around this (really?), and the number of students getting degrees is not high enough. Students are graduating with diplomas.
Ahh. But this really caught my eye. 17 year olds who stay at school an extra year provide more productivity. Ah yes. Productivity. The new code for labour, or working in a job earning money for the tax base. Have I hit the nail on the head?
But if you are a parent, here is the cream puff and tea.
Early childhood education allowances for parents with pre-schoolers to help parents get back into work.
No mention of getting women back into work. Only Helen Clark was foolish enough to go down that road and call us productivity units.
Being a woman is sacred. And so is being a parent.