$17 an hour
Surely someone out there can see the sense in getting paid $17 an hour? This is an Alliance Party policy and is worth voting for.
Unfortunately it seems that to actually win an election in this country you just have to fool the young and old with fancy words and fancy websites to win. Actual policy is hard to get in front of people.
Meanwhile young people in this country are getting screwed. Youth don't even know about the minimum wage (currently a miserable $12.75), how to get expenses out of bosses and think it costs money to join Kiwisaver or open a bank account.
While it is true you have to pay fees with most banks, most banks also offer accounts with no fees especially if you do online banking. As for Kiwisaver you don't have to actually pay anything each week to run the account, and it doesn't cost to join up. The annual fees are currently paid by the government.
The fact is we need to get rid of the existing government as we are getting screwed over and each week they remain in power things only get worse. Surely but slowly our rights and entitlements in our health and education systems are being given over to the corporation capitalists who are supporting our National and Act government while laughing all the way to the bank thinking about the future profits the will make at the underclass and working class expense.
God I want things to change so badly.